You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - General Ledger Config > Edit - General Ledger Config - Distribution Interface > Debtors Transactions
Debtors Transactions

The Debtors Transactions group of fields on the Config GL Interface screen allows you to customise the integration of debtor transactions for hand written invoices and journals to the General Ledger. It also allows for multiple Trade Debtor control accounts in the Balance Sheet of the General Ledger.

To complete the Debtors Transactions fields:

  1. Open the Config GL Interface (Distribution) screen.

Refer to "Edit - General Ledger Config - Distribution Interface".

Micronet displays the Debtors Transaction fields.

  1. Complete the following fields:


Debtors Transactions

Select an integration option:




The Distribution system searches for a GL interface record labelled TOTAL and produces accounting entries (financial transactions) based on the GL accounts entered in that table. This is the standard, multi-purpose GL interface record setup to accumulate financial transactions where customisation is not required.


Ungreys the fields below (Warehouse Key and Debtors Key) allowing you to select exactly how you want debtors transactions dissected. This allows data to be transferred from the Distribution system based on the interrelations between the files that comprise your permanent records. For an example of how the Combination option works, refer to "Configuring MDS Integration".


During transaction entry, users can choose from a list of GL interface records, giving them discretion as to how transactions are dissected to the General Ledger.

GL Dissect

During transaction entry, users can choose from a list of GL accounts from the Chart of Accounts, giving them discretion as to how transactions are dissected to the General Ledger.


Warehouse Key

Where multiple warehouses exist, debtor transactions may need to be divided into separate GL accounts in the General Ledger.

Warehouses can be dissected and reported in one of the following ways:



GL Interface

Master file update


No dissection by warehouse




During the entry of debtor transactions, Micronet asks users to assign a warehouse to the transaction. Accounting journal entries (financial transactions) are raised based on the GL interface record assigned to the relevant warehouse.

GL interface records need to be setup and assigned to each warehouse record

Warehouse master file - GL Interface field (refer to "File - Warehouse - Warehouse")


Debtors Key

Debtor transactions can be dissected and transferred to multiple GL accounts within the General Ledger based on customer (debtor) classification.

Debtors can be dissected and reported in one of the following ways:



GL Interface

Master file update


No dissection by debtor




As debtor transactions are entered against specific debtor accounts, the financial transactions created transfer to the General Ledger based on integration specifications assigned to the individual debtor.

GL interface records need to be setup and assigned to individual debtor (customer) records

Debtor master file - GL Interface field (refer to "File - Debtor - Debtor")

Sales Territory

As each transaction is raised to a customer, Micronet identifies the sales territory assigned to the debtor and dissects the transaction to the appropriate GL accounts in the General Ledger.

GL interface records need to be setup and assigned to sales territory records

Sales Territory master file - GL Interface field (refer to "Adding a New Sales Territory")

  1. Complete the remaining fields on the Config GL Interface (Distribution) screen.